International Bros: May 27th @ 11:45pm. Saigon Vietnam

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A few weeks before traveling to Vietnam, I got a notification in my email about a conversation taking place over LinkedIn. Apparently there were a couple DeltaSigs trying to find other DeltaSigs living in Ho Chi Minh. I immediately messaged Minh Phu that I would be traveling to Ho Chi Minh less than a week later.

After several messages back and forth, we figured out a way to meet up in Ho Chi Minh. Yesterday, Will and I met up with Minh and Khoi for dinner and coffee.


It was an amazing night. Since the entire city rides on motorbikes, we just had to do the same. Will and I were a little nervous but after a few minutes we realized it’s a lot safer than it looks. We were at dinner for a couple hours and we had a chance to talk about everything! Since we are only here for a few days, it was great to hear what the city/ life is like from locals.


For the longest time, I thought that Delta Sigma Pi was barely international. I figured there was a chapter in Canada so they could call DSP international. However the truth couldn’t be more different. Me, a student from the Midwest, could be a part of Delta Sigma Pi and have an instant connection with people 10,000 miles away. I truly am part of a global community and after this week I couldn’t be more proud to be a DeltaSig.



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Down to Business: May 27th @ 11:45pm. Saigon Vietnam

Today was all about business. Well, some leisure too, but mostly business. Manpower Group We did two separate company/ organization visits. First was Manpower Group. Manpower set up an operation in Vietnam in 2008 and they have been... Continue →